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Category Archives: Eliott Smith

Chuck Berry statue in St. Louis. Photographed by William.

Chuck Berry statue in St. Louis. Photographed by William.

In this hour, Cristy and William spin songs that are full-on tributes to other bands or musicians. We travel through rock, country, folk, full-on worship, winking references, from and to rock royalty and peasantry alike. Not covers, all originals.

Pay homage here.

Hooray. An hour of some of the most depressing songs of all time. This show owes a huge debt to This Will End in Tears, by Adam Brent Houghtaling. Thanks, Adam! For the sorrow and misery. We were so eager to share with the rest of the world. Sniff. Listen and weep.


Adam, don’t worry, this isn’t completely derivative—we found at least one sad bastard you may have overlooked.

Data is elastic.

Data is elastic.

Here’s what we have for phone numbers so far:

  • 867-5309, Jenny (Tommy Tutone)
  • 853-5937 (Squeeze)
  • 834-5789 (Wilson Pickett)
  • 911 Is A Joke (Public Enemy)
  • 777-9311 (The Time)
  • Beechwood 4-5789 (The Marvelettes)
  • Promised Land (Chuck Berry)… unless we find the Meatloaf version
  • …and did you know that AC/DC’s phone number is 362436? Presumably that needs an Australian country code to work. Why not give AC/DC a call? They have a good offer on dirty deeds.

Early results for dates and addresses are less encyclopedic.

Freelance rock scholars, unite in the name of research sharing! Here’s the show on MP3.

Tentative title: Songs with Data.

Other shows include: