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Monthly Archives: September 2008

Welcome to the Rock Geek Chic blog. This blog is an appendix to our site intended for rock geek writing that solicits explicit feedback from readers; is timely; acknowledges receipt of music CDs sent to us for analysis, review, babbling, and fawning; or impulsive rantings that couldn’t wait for us to get off work and go home and write about properly.

By way of orienting us in the blogosphere, here are some links: we write for Smile Politely while we await a phone call from Mojo or 33 1/3. We listen to WPGU and WEFT will be lucky enough to host our radio show. Our main affiliation in the publishing world is Spineless Books. Our music teacher is Paul from the Hand Made Record Label. As we are conveniently situated in the middle of hectares of corn, we shop most often at Exile on Main Street, Record Swap, Parasol, Luna, Euclid, Reckless, and Grimey’s.