Turn off the lights and turn on Songs About Ghosts Pt. 1.
Two hours of rock from Scotland! Has anybody coined the term Scotrock yet? If not, would it be unforgivable if we were to add that to the rock geek lexicon along with Krautrock and Mathrock? Assembled with thanks to Alister Smith, Glasgow correspondent Iain Matheson, and Ben from the Brighton Rock Geek Office!
Here’s the setlist:
Scotland – December 28, 2013
*denotes new
Silence is a powerful tool. In interpersonal communications it can express rainbows of meaning. In rock, especially rock geared for radio (which is almost all of it), it is as inappropriate as it is effective. It’s hard to listen for, but … there it is.
For this show, Ethan Madarieta and William Gillespie took turns spinning songs chosen in response to the song the other one just played, creating a spontaneous lattice of segues, transitions, connections, arguments, and intermusical references.
Listen, download, tune in, and UNDERSTAND. Here’s the playlist.