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Monthly Archives: January 2010

I just love a good talking part in a song. Emphasis “good.” Give me Elvis over Arlo any day; life is short.

Here’s a collection of some of our favorites—mid-song orations, some soothing, many inexplicable, some classic, and most not classic until we uploaded them to this site but are now canonical.

Oh come on, Arlo, where's your sense of humor?

Oh come on, Arlo, where’s your sense of humor?

Rock music without singing? Wait. What? The point? You mean like, surf? No? Early 1970s 12-minute jams with the verses cut out? No? Well? Listen as William attempts to answer these questions from Cristy. And then she throws him off the mike and takes over with the Rock Inbox.

Sing no evil.

Sing no evil.

Musical meta-radio. Well, there’s a lot of songs about radio, most of them pretty damn cheerful. Are we postmodern yet? Download this fun if effortless mix.

Serious about fun music.

Serious about fun music.

Andrew Heathwaite and Paul Kotheimer joined William Gillespie on Jay Eychaner and Jason Finkelman’s experimental music show Fanfare for the Speeding Bullet, and they spent an hour explaining, discussing, playing, and performing microtonal music, with an emphasis on just intonation and equal divisions of the octave. Get in the cracks and listen.