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Category Archives: Camper Van Beethoven


Alice D. and Textasy host the international psychedelia show The New Elastic Infinite, and bring it down home with two hours of psychedelic country and western music, and find that the southern mind doesn’t always turn to thoughts of peace and love. Download or listen:

For the holiday season, we bring you the second installment of Songs About Bad Parties. Get in the spirit, download, listen, and sulk in the corner.

This party just took a turn for the douche.

This party just took a turn for the douche.




A show based on William’s finest ever mixtape? Of course! The title of the show and the mixtape is Fanfare for a New Mixtape, with a nod to Igor Stravinsky. Boom!


We explore what psychedelic music might actually mean, since music is not literally a drug. This exploration leads us off genre, out of the 1960s, and into unexpected and delicious territory. A long strange trip, online to expand your ears.

Alice Caterpillar