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Category Archives: wedding

Giving away the bride with the condition that the groom understand good music.

Giving away the bride with the condition that the groom understand good music.

So Cristy and William got married. And the morning before the party the father-in-law-to-be came in to co-host a show on the flavor of music he enjoys most. As if there wasn’t enough else to do. And a splendid time was had by all. Although 24 hours from when this picture was taken, the gentleman in the center of the picture would be in the throes of his first champagne hangover. And that’s all the gossip you’ll get from this blog.


Here’s a show we broadcast the morning of our dear friends’ wedding, for them to pump on the backyard speakers while they set up for the ceremony, hog roast, and trampoline theft. Sincere, romantic, folky: an hour of our best wishes.
