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Category Archives: Parliament


Alice D. and Textasy host the international psychedelia show The New Elastic Infinite, and bring it down home with two hours of psychedelic country and western music, and find that the southern mind doesn’t always turn to thoughts of peace and love. Download or listen:

An instructional workout cassette. Grab some beer and donuts and listen.

Skinny Guy painting by Gene Dillon.

Skinny Guy painting by Gene Dillon.

This show is an exploration of a very serious topic: good opening songs for albums. We kick off 2011 with lots of side one track ones. It’s like listening to 20 records for three minutes each. Much thought has likely been given by bands and producers to which song to put first. Here we try to unpack some of that, while, in the mix, saving ourselves a lot of time queuing CDs. Keep starting to listen?

The definitive opening cut.

The definitive opening cut.