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Category Archives: XTC

For our final scheduled show, Cristy and William explore the discontinuous topic of great closing tracks on great albums. Except for “Hang Loose,” which we forgot, which Cristy is still mad about, even though she wouldn’t even let William consider including any They Might Be Giants songs. So we’re burying the hatchet right between your ears.

Download Closing Tracks or listen below

Into the sunset, radio on.

Into the sunset, radio on.

Reggaetone and MC Willy G spin two hours of dizzy dub, from Tubby to Fatty, from Scientist to the Meow Meows.


The setlist is here. The audio is here.

Up up and away! One more hour of music about comics and cartoons, loaded with soundbites as tasty as marshmallows in your Saturday morning cereal. Put on your pajamas, download, and enjoy.

Cristy vs. William.

Cristy vs. William.

Cristy, William, Heather Rose, & Tony Money gather to present and discuss some of the greatest songs recorded by nonexistent bands, from Ruben and the Jets to Spinal Tap to the Dukes of Stratosphear. Although we overflow the hour, we can’t get to everything, nor would we want to, so we also present a Rock and Roll Imaginary Hall of Fame. Of sorts. Great fun. Listen here.




Cristy! I knew that was you calling as soon as I heard the gloomy dissonance of Scott Walker!

Here are some original plagiarized* ringtones, created by William for his personal use. You either get it or you don’t. Download! Enjoy!

* “Sampled.” Fair use?


Songs about monkeys. With Cristy, William, and Ba. Our second show in a row with a legitimate listener calling in a legitimate request—this time it was a two-year-old. Peel a banana, sit back on your favorite branch, and enjoy.

Keith Richards. Image courtesy of, who probably stole it from somewhere else.

Keith Richards. Image courtesy of, who probably stole it from somewhere else.

Songs about rockets! Blast off!



Actually a song about a car, not a rocket, but forward-looking nonetheless.

Anglophile Cristy handles most of this sensitive topic solo. Tune in for an intimate evening with a beautiful rock scholar

Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard. But I think...

Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard. But I think…


Data is elastic.

Data is elastic.

Here’s what we have for phone numbers so far:

  • 867-5309, Jenny (Tommy Tutone)
  • 853-5937 (Squeeze)
  • 834-5789 (Wilson Pickett)
  • 911 Is A Joke (Public Enemy)
  • 777-9311 (The Time)
  • Beechwood 4-5789 (The Marvelettes)
  • Promised Land (Chuck Berry)… unless we find the Meatloaf version
  • …and did you know that AC/DC’s phone number is 362436? Presumably that needs an Australian country code to work. Why not give AC/DC a call? They have a good offer on dirty deeds.

Early results for dates and addresses are less encyclopedic.

Freelance rock scholars, unite in the name of research sharing! Here’s the show on MP3.

Tentative title: Songs with Data.

Other shows include:

Musical meta-radio. Well, there’s a lot of songs about radio, most of them pretty damn cheerful. Are we postmodern yet? Download this fun if effortless mix.

Serious about fun music.

Serious about fun music.