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Category Archives: Police

Songs about jobs. Working them, hating them, losing them, finding them, hating them, quitting them. A surprising number of musicians with no jobs have expressed anxiety on this topic. Sometimes music delves into deeper truths than love and beauty. Punch in, turn on, and download.

Not included in this episode.

Not included in this episode.

Rock music without singing? Wait. What? The point? You mean like, surf? No? Early 1970s 12-minute jams with the verses cut out? No? Well? Listen as William attempts to answer these questions from Cristy. And then she throws him off the mike and takes over with the Rock Inbox.

Sing no evil.

Sing no evil.

Cristy, Honcho, and William devote two hours of Rock Geek F.M. to the three members of the Police, the Police, and other projects they’ve been involved with. There is a lot of pent-up passion for this band released here, as well as deeper tracks. Listen, Love, Learn, the arresting music of the Police.

The most succesful power trio of all time.

The most successful power trio of all time.