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Category Archives: Robyn Hitchcock

It’s our 11th anniversary, and here’s Cristy’s 12th annual Mixtape. It tells the story of our year, a story I won’t tell. So now just sit back and listen.


Love, cured, fermented, aged, bottled, broken, decanted, recanted, reaffirmed.

26 songs, signifying A-Z, in one hour, from the Muppets to hardcore punk. Join us in this race against time. Download or listen below.




Like his heroes George Strait and Ketih Whitley, William is unapologetically Country. His songs, while rooted in the present, call to mind simpler times when the back porch was where folks gathered to network. The first track on this show, ‘Trash,’ paints a picture of rural life that speaks to his small town sensibilities. ”This song identifies who I am,” he says. ”It shows character and that’s important where I’m from. You learn to say ‘yes, ma’am’ and ‘no, sir,’ and to open the door for the ladies.”

Download the MP3 straight to your truck.


Chuck Berry statue in St. Louis. Photographed by William.

Chuck Berry statue in St. Louis. Photographed by William.

In this hour, Cristy and William spin songs that are full-on tributes to other bands or musicians. We travel through rock, country, folk, full-on worship, winking references, from and to rock royalty and peasantry alike. Not covers, all originals.

Pay homage here.


Songs about legal matters, lawyers, police, jail, punishment, release, and songs with actual courtroom scenes. A judicious mix, but listen and judge for yourself.


Cristy! I knew that was you calling as soon as I heard the gloomy dissonance of Scott Walker!

Here are some original plagiarized* ringtones, created by William for his personal use. You either get it or you don’t. Download! Enjoy!

* “Sampled.” Fair use?


A sugary bowlful of songs about comics and cartoons, with colorful audio marshmallows from classic and vintage cartoons. Grab your favorite cereal, wriggle into those sleepers, and get comfortable on the carpet as close to the radio set as possible. Download, up, up, and away.


It wasn’t at all easy, but we put together an hour of rock songs that portray drugs in an unmistakably negative light. Get sober, get depressed, pull the covers up to your nose, turn off and tune in.

He seen the damage done.

He seen the damage done.

On our first Rock Inbox in a few years, we venture into the dangerous territory of new releases. Join Cristy as she tries on Camera Obscura, Thee Oh Sees, and other cutting-edge discs. One fresh hour.


Join us as we return to the airwaves Saturday the 19th at 3 p.m. CST, streaming online, with a brand new show: Songs about Autumn. Music that turns colors and falls to the ground, music that is partially overcast, music that yields empty fields and provides a flicker of warmth in the encroaching coldness.

Rock Geek Gothic.

Rock Geek Gothic.

Download an hour of falling leaves here.

Rock Geek F.M. is still for sale to the highest bidder—the station with the most expensive microphones—which for now is good old WEFT 90.1 FM.

Join us in four weeks for the episode entitled The Great Miserabalists—featuring Cristy’s list of Top 3 Sad Bastards in rock.