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Category Archives: Pink Floyd

Reggaetone and MC Willy G spin two hours of dizzy dub, from Tubby to Fatty, from Scientist to the Meow Meows.


The setlist is here. The audio is here.

Chuck Berry statue in St. Louis. Photographed by William.

Chuck Berry statue in St. Louis. Photographed by William.

In this hour, Cristy and William spin songs that are full-on tributes to other bands or musicians. We travel through rock, country, folk, full-on worship, winking references, from and to rock royalty and peasantry alike. Not covers, all originals.

Pay homage here.


Songs about legal matters, lawyers, police, jail, punishment, release, and songs with actual courtroom scenes. A judicious mix, but listen and judge for yourself.

Join us as we return to the airwaves Saturday the 19th at 3 p.m. CST, streaming online, with a brand new show: Songs about Autumn. Music that turns colors and falls to the ground, music that is partially overcast, music that yields empty fields and provides a flicker of warmth in the encroaching coldness.

Rock Geek Gothic.

Rock Geek Gothic.

Download an hour of falling leaves here.

Rock Geek F.M. is still for sale to the highest bidder—the station with the most expensive microphones—which for now is good old WEFT 90.1 FM.

Join us in four weeks for the episode entitled The Great Miserabalists—featuring Cristy’s list of Top 3 Sad Bastards in rock.


In this episode, we are joined by Honcho, who leads us on a two hour discussion of Syd Barrett, featuring original and rare songs from Syd, early “The” Pink Floyd, and various cover artists. Another true collaboration as the three of us each hand-pick tracks from the small pool of Syd’s output, in which the fishies swim, crystal blue. This is our tribute to one of our most revered musicians.


It’s a literary technique to compress syntax into a paratactic collage, as well as an organizational technique that figures on every album cover. Some songs list things. We’ve created a list of them. And spun them into a show dense with nouns. Listen in.

Collector's item: one of Honcho's setlists from Rock Geek FM

Collector’s item: one of Honcho’s setlists from Rock Geek FM

Songs for, about, and sung by kids. Yes! Especially rock songs with children vocalists or choirs. And happy birthday to Abbey Road.


How cute is that? A show of songs about cats and dogs. And cats.

Oil vs. water.

Oil vs. water.