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Category Archives: György Ligeti


Austin and William sit in for Jason Finkelman on Fanfare for the Speeding Bullet. William finishes a bottle of chartreuse to numb himself while Austin spins—no, wait, his music is all on the cloudrains avant-garde jazz and noise and to mix it up a little noise-jazz with Anthony Braxton and Wolf Eyes. With just enough squonk. Right in the middle of the calamity, enjoy the calming sounds of Atmospheres—an homage to Kubrick in anticipation of our soundtrack show the next day, recorded the previous weekend. Download, listen, or just read it.

An incomplete record.


Experiment: This show consists of three twenty-minute excerpts from hour-long pieces of music, each of which is built from a process of allowing a sounds source to naturally decay. Results: An hour of listener-unfriendly radio that sounds like sounds like the station, or possibly music itself, or even civilization, is melting into static. Love it.